Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tommy Woods (1980-2009)


Lets take a trip back to this year's Superbowl Sunday. One of my closest friends just bought a house and wanted to christen the new spot by hosting a Superbowl party. All the usual suspects were present except for my man Tommy. The rumor of the night was that T had been felling depressed because he had recently been laid off and was having trouble coping. After the game heads made an effort to track my man down so we could take him out and try and get his mind off of things. Unfortunately no one could find homie. Tommy wasn't answering his phone and everyone from his girl to his parents was trying to find him. At first we thought my man was suffering a nervous breakdown and went into a state of panic.

A few days later it was made known that the homie was missing and his parents had issued a missing persons report. A few more days passed and Tommy's car was found in Baltimore, MD. A few days after that my man was picked up by the cops in Pennsylvania. When he was found Tommy had no recollection of how he made it to his destination.

Come to find out, Tommy was suffering from a brain tumor. The doctors diagnosed him with a low chance for survival, even if he underwent successful surgery. His parents opted for the surgery anyways and the doctors successfully removed 90% of the tumor from his brain. With the surgery a success Tommy's outlook was looking much brighter. A few days after the surgery some friends went to visit him and he was doing a lot better and his chances for recovery looked very promising.

Sadly, this morning a mutual friend hit me up and let me know that Tommy was no longer with us. I am in utter disbelief right now. I've never been to Boston but now I get the chance to go to mourn the death of my friend. Life is precious and way too short.

Rest In Power Tommy. I know you're in a better place. Hopefully I'll catch you on the other side. You are loved and will be greatly missed.

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